September 17, 2009

Mortice Security Door Bolt

Filed under: Security Locks — admin @ 9:58 am

In today’s hi-tech world of Passive Infra-Red (PIR) security alarms, driveway alarms and window locks – it is hard to believe that burglars are still finding their way into our place of work. Once inside, a burglar is driven by adrenaline as they ‘work‘ their way from the point of entry, going through every drawer and filing cupboard, stealing anything they think has value.

Moving from room-to-room, sometimes trashing everything in their path but most importantly – infringing your personal space.

September 15, 2009

Heavy Duty Caravan Wheel Clamp

Filed under: Travel Security — admin @ 10:11 am

With the last bank holiday now gone and the warm weather disappearing, most caravan owners will soon be turning their attention to safety and how best to protect their caravans from thieves simply hitching up and driving off with them during the winter months.

Alarms are great and do deter many thieves from getting their hands on other people’s goods, although the only drawback being if no one is around to hear your alarm going off, then…

For that very reason, it’s best to have a supporting security measure in place to deter even the most resolute thief.

September 9, 2009

Carbon Monoxide Portable Alarm

Filed under: Home Security — admin @ 10:03 am

Annual summer leave now just a distant memory, kids back to school, dark nights drawing in and soon we’ll be noticing the temperature getting colder. Time for us to turn on the heating in our homes or at work which also means one thing, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning increasing.

Carbon Monoxide will be, for the vast majority of us, one of the most toxic substances you’ll come into contact with in your daily routine. It is produced by the incomplete combustion of the fossil fuels such as gas, oil, coal and wood used in boilers, gas fires, water heaters, solid fuel appliances and open fires. Carbon Monoxide has no smell, colour or taste and can kill!

September 1, 2009

Portable Door Guards

Filed under: Travel Security — admin @ 12:37 pm

Protecting your property and possessions is always a must, never more so than when you are away from home. Thieves understand this and see tourists and people on business trips as easy targets. That is why you should never relax your guard or your possessions will be gone. Depending on which security lengths you want to go to protect your valuables, it can get very, very, expensive. However, you CAN protect yourself and your valuables without it costing a pretty penny.

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