May 27, 2010

Silent Killer Holiday Threat

Filed under: Travel Security — admin @ 12:42 pm

After working all year, a large section of the UK’s population will be thinking about packing their bags and heading off on their annual holidays. Getting ready for your holidays is always an exciting time, sure we deliberate and argue about what clothes are going to fit into our cases, swim shorts or “speedos” for the more adventurous amongst us. These are the small things that contribute to the excitement in the run-up to your holiday. However, this year when your packing your suncreams, antiseptic sprays and plasters give a serious thought to some Carbon Monoxide Detector Patches.

In recent years a number of holiday makers have fallen victim to this silent killer. No matter where your resting your head once you reach your destination, be it in a hotel room, holiday home or caravan be aware that “levels of carbon monoxide produced by faulty, poorly maintained or poorly ventilated fossil fuel appliances can build up very quickly to levels that can kill.” That statement was from Professor Qutub Syed who is from the Health Protection Agency.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning can produce symptoms similar to flu or food poisoning, including headaches and tiredness. So, for a few pounds protect you family and make room in that suitcase of yours for this life saving travel aid.

May 20, 2010

Fooling the Thief

Filed under: Home Security — admin @ 10:29 am

In times of economic hardship, people try their best to tighten their spending belts, obviously, this is a hard task as then they are faced with the choice of what is essential and what is non-essential. One area which is at the top of everyone’s list of things to do is home security, however, for the majority, they always manage to divert the money elsewhere saying “we’ll do it next year”.

Home security is one of those areas which people unfortunately see as non-essential, well, until that one fateful day or night when they return home or even worse walk down the stairs and realise that someone has invaded your personal space. It’s only then, most often-than-not, that reality settles in and most people begin to consider that home security is an essential part of modern living.

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