Back in 2007 Gallup Europe, the survey people, released the findings of their survey carried out on behalf of the UN crime prevention agency (source). The report puts Britain as one of the worst countries in the European Union, naming us a ‘high crime country’ and London as the ‘crime capital of Europe’. Britain had the highest rate of burglary and nearly top for assaults and hate crime. The survey carried over 18 countries highlights Britain’s crime rate to be way above average.
That was back in 2007 has anything changed in 2009? Well, just looking through the newspapers and the internet, not much. If anything, you could claim that the situation has taken a turn for the worse, given the economic downturn, opportunistic crime is on the rise as people get desperate. However, CCTV and surveillance cameras have increased at a rapid rate to help authorities make our streets safer and making catching the offenders easier.
In 2009 it is reported that nearly 47,000 rapes and attempted rapes take place in the UK every year (source). This month the Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke on crime for the first time in 2 years and announced that he is going to clamp down on organized crime, and that nearly 3000 organized crime gangs have already been identified.
This new report shows some serious concerns over the inability of the Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA). Britain is facing a new type of crime : e-crime, organised crime and identity theft. Poor social housing, lack of community services and bleak job prospects in certain areas of our country means many turn to crime because they have very little choice in terms of quality living standards.
Britain spends over £600 million tackling organized crime, not a lot really when you consider that as a nation we spend nearly £4 billion on anti-terrorism (source). It seems the government and the authorities have a bit to do before the ROTW stops labeling ourselves as a ‘high crime country’ and London as the ‘crime capital of Europe’.
There are so many, frequently, unconnected agencies with overlapping duties and job descriptions, all collecting paycheques from various levels of local and central Governments and yet not cooperating and information sharing with each other.
PCSO’s, (employed and controlled by over 40 different Police Forces),
Neighbourhood Wardens, (employed and paid by, I do not know how many), Councils and an increasing number of Private Security Companies with guards.
Is there cooperation between them all and the Police and do they trust each other?
Not in the conversations that I have with all of the above.
Yet all of them have pieces of the crime prevention puzzle, which put together could give real intelligence information.
Therein lies a problem. The general public is outside of that circle and is generally not kept informed or involved in any of it.
As Alfred Montopert stated many yess ago….”Do not confuse motion with progress,,,A rocking Horse keeps moving but goes nowhere!”
Comment by Pat — June 2, 2009 @ 5:13 pm