June 18, 2013

Do you know how to report a fraud?

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 2:38 pm

Action Fraud was introduced as part of the Attorney General’s Fraud Review back in 2006 and has now finally gone live nationally following successful pilot schemes across the country. National figures suggest that Fraud costs this country £73 billion every year and that’s only based on the crimes that are actually reported!

If you believe that a fraud has been committed you can now report these crimes direct to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 following which you will receive a national crime reference number and they even provide a dedicated email address for people to contact, in order to get updates on their own fraud report.

This new concept of a One Stop Shop for reporting fraud allows ALL information collected to be collated nationally on a daily basis and sent to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) which is located with the City of London Police where it is analysed together with information obtained from government departments, financial institutions and many other organisations. Any reported fraud which results in useful intelligence or a line of enquiry that should be followed up will be sent by the NFIB direct to the individual force to investigate.

The benefits of this national call line is that it provides a SINGLE POINT of contact for victims WHEREVER they are located, and not only that but it will help considerably to identify repeat offenders approaching the vulnerable. For example if a fraud is reported to a police station in an area of Leeds, they will not necessarily know quickly that identical types of fraud are being carried out in York and London against the same type of victims.

The only exception to this and when police should be called rather than Action Fraud, will be if the crime is taking place now with the fraudster either still at the scene or is nearby or the victim or person reporting the fraud is vulnerable or significant evidence could be lost if the police do not attend immediately. In these cases always dial the number of your local police station if you know it or else dial 999.

To give an example of the sort of successes to date: two businessmen were recently jailed after making thousands of pounds from selling fake British Gas Insurance Policies from their offices in London.

It works! and Crime Prevention Products are doing everything they can to spread the word of this excellent initiative.

March 2, 2011

London Olympics Ticket Fraud Alert

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 9:30 am

London Olympics 2012 Ticket FraudAccording to a recent report (source) nearly 13 million people in Britain were targeted by credit card fraudsters in 2010, this could have happened as they bought goods on unsecured websites or had their cards cloned by criminal gangs operating in shops and market places or even had their details stolen from discarded bank and credit card statements. Whichever way the criminals managed to obtain the details, many of the ‘victims’ didn’t know their card was used until they received a statement or went to use their card only to find that their ‘limit’ had been reached.

With one of the worlds biggest sporting events due to take place in our country in 2012 the police are worried that criminal organisations will see this as a phenomenally good opportunity to take advantage of people’s inexperience when it come to purchasing tickets over the internet. The Metropolitan Police are so concerned about this that they are setting up their own units to help tackle cyber crime at the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Operation Podium will be split into two separate units, one of the teams will be dealing with combating Olympics related e-crime activity, such as fraud and hacking, while the other unit will be dedicated almost exclusively to the prevention of ticketing fraud.

Here at Crime Prevention Products we are only to aware that criminals will see this as a massive opportunity to make free money. Which is why we decided to blog about a few tips to help you secure your tickets and prevent your money from simply disappearing out of your account.

  • www.tickets.london2012.com is the official site of the 2012 Olympics and one of the more reliable online sites where you’ll be able to purchase tickets. It is the ONLY site to buy official hospitality and travel packages.
  • Don’t give anyone your credit card details in order to obtain cheap tickets – this may cost you more than you expected.
  • As the Olympics draw closer, there may be counterfeit tickets being passed around the local clubs and pubs, if a deal seems to good to be true – it probably is.

These are just a few crime prevention measures that will help you purchase your London Olympic tickets and be reassured that you’ll receive your genuine tickets plus not a penny more than which you paid will leave your account.

November 16, 2010

Ensure Safety With Handheld Metal Detectors

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 9:42 pm

We all love to have a good time, no matter if it’s a school disco, a university Christmas bash or the annual works get together, the thought of going out and enjoying ourselves with friends always makes us excited. However, a sad fact of modern living is the presence of drugs, in a recent report it was said that ‘levels of cocaine use in England and Wales are now the highest in Europe‘, (source), this can often lead to drug wars over territory and selling rights.

Last year it was estimated that almost 14 million people had tried cocaine in Europe alone.

With the traditional Christmas party season just a few weeks away organisers, managers and club owners might be worried about the amount of trouble that may be caused due to uninvited violence.

Although gun and knife crime are falling there are still some people that carry these weapons around. One of the best ways to alleviate the threat of this type of violence from your premises is to have Handheld Metal Detectors which enables you to quickly scan each person as they enter your venue.

Hand held metal detectors are the perfect solution for determining whether a visitor, intruder, or suspicious stranger is carrying a concealed weapon. Keeping unwanted trouble out while keeping those safe from harm inside.

October 26, 2010

Futureproof Your Home Security

Filed under: Crime News,Home Security — admin @ 3:49 pm

Since the new Coalition Government announced it’s measures to bring Britain back from the brink of economical disaster there have been reports, discussions and even demonstrations about what this will really mean to the people of this nation. One area that will be under the spotlight is our great Police force. In a recent news article centered around the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) as they revealed that the police budget for 2011-12 could be reduced by as much as £88,560,000 or the equivalent of losing 2,808 police officers.

With all these Police Officers missing from the streets of Scotland, the SPF have warned that this could be a “false economy that would set Scotland back by decades!”, They also warned that crime levels WILL increase, stressing the knock-on effect on costs to the National Health Service, the courts, social work and other agencies. However, this report is not just unique to Scotland, this will be common to all our Police Constabularies within the UK over the next few years – we can expect to see less police visible on our streets.

Considering what may lay ahead, now is the perfect time to increase your own home security and think about your own families personal protection. Crime Prevention Products have a wide range of security hardware that are guaranteed to help you safe guard your home, family and possessions. No matter what the future holds, it is always better to be prepared!

April 15, 2010

Security A Roaring Success

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 9:45 am

Businessmen and landowners are getting fed up with people trespassing through their private property, whether they are using it for short-cuts or for more suspicious circumstances. There are many great deterrents that you can try to keep your possessions safe such as burglar alarms, perimeter alarms and security lighting.

With this in mind here’s a story which takes home/business security to a whole new level.

October 23, 2009

Mapping Out Crime

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 12:09 pm

How good are your local police? Want to find out what crimes are taking place in your home town? Well an internet system has now come online which will allow anyone to see just how good their local policing authorities are. Developed by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) the crime map will show you what the crime is like in 43 policing areas in England and Wales. Want to go out shopping in a different part of town no problem just type in the post code and instantly you have at your fingertips all of the crime statistics for that particular area, again with more and more people taking up ‘power walking’ or jogging, again this system will show you how safe the particular area has been.

October 7, 2009

Get Paid To Watch CCTV On The Internet

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 8:23 am

Britain is the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) capital of the world, with more than 4.2 million of the cameras just waiting to snap a video of you doing something wrong. Do they actually work and are they beneficial to the rest of the law abiding citizens? Some will argue that it is a waste of tax payer’s money while others may think that it cuts crime and anti social behaviour. Under a new scheme being introduced in Stratford-upon-Avon tagged ‘Internet Eyes’ members of the public will be paid up to £1000 to watch as many as 4 CCTV cameras and report anything out of the ordinary.

July 9, 2009

SOCA Gets New Chief! Are The Crime Gangs Quaking In Their Boots?

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 11:32 am

The new head of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) has been announced, Sir Ian Andrews will head Britain’s fight against serious crime. This multi-million pound organisation will work with the Police in its endeavour to cut crime. There are a few people who are shocked by the decision to make Sir Ian the head of this organisation, due to the fact that he has no Police training and spent most of his life as a civil servant.

May 27, 2009

Violent UK Females On The Increase

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 10:20 am

Violent attacks from UK females is on the increase. Figures have jumped to 13% for 2007/08 compared to 11% of the previous year which works out at 281,320 assaults, robberies and muggings carried out by violent women and girls. Half of all violent attacks involve alcohol fuelling fears that binge-drinking among young women is out-of-control.

May 19, 2009

Act of Sabotage!!

Filed under: Crime News — admin @ 1:53 pm

This week in Scotland saw the third anniversary of the 3,500 cyclist Etape Caledonia race which runs through Perthshire in aid of the MacMillan Cancer Support. This 81 mile race is now one of the biggest in Britain, but despite this, it was subjected to an audacious act of sabotage. The race which raises money for a good cause, is unpopular with a minority of the locals as the main road is closed for a few hours.

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