March 22, 2012

Don’t Miss Out On Your Easter Holiday Caravan Meetup

Filed under: Travel Security — admin @ 1:01 pm

With the Easter holidays looming and the warmer weather starting to grace our shores this can only mean one thing for some, it’s time to hitch up the caravan and head-off for the first big caravan meet of the year.

In just a few weeks time, thousands of caravans will be hitting our roads, as they head off to their little bit of paradise. However, there will also be those caravan enthusiasts that will be missing out on all the excitement due to the fact that their pride and joy has disappeared from their gardens, driveways and compounds.

As we head into Spring and then Summer there is a sharp increase in the amount of caravans that are stolen, or attempted to be stolen, and the sad thing is that many will not have been insured (as it’s not a legal requirement in the UK).

Here at CPP we understand that many of our readers love nothing better than to hitch up their ‘van’ and head off to enjoy their ‘sense of freedom’. We also know that if a criminal really wants to break-in to your pride and joy then chances are they will!

However, deterrence is often the best form of prevention, that’s why we have several caravan security devices that will prevent anyone from simply driving off with your mobile home from home.

Telescopic Security PostTrailer and Caravan Hitch LockTriangular Heavy Duty Wheel Clamp - Home Office ApprovedStandard Wheel Clamp

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