January 20, 2012

January Special Offers

Filed under: Offers — admin @ 4:36 pm

After the hectic turmoil of the last few weeks, many of us will be taking time out to relax and give our bodies a bit of a break from booze and rich food. Yet, while we take a backseat, there’s no such thing as rest for your ‘not-so-friendly-neighbourhood-burglar‘ as they’ll be constantly on the look-out for that perfect opportunity such as an open window, door or garage where they’ll be able to make some ‘easy money’.

When it come to home security and personal protection, we at Crime Prevention Products are constantly trying to encourage our readers to be more pro-active. Of-course, we understand as this is January, money is always an issue and people are always on the look-out for a bargain, which is why we have our own dedicated Special Offers Page.

Here, our readers can find discounted security and personal protection products for a short time only.

As well as our discounted items it worth pointing out that we also supply personal alarms from as little as £1.99.

Keypad Intruder Alarm (Battery Operated) BT Home Monitored Wireless Burglar Alarm - £40 OFFCovert Button Camera Kit HALF PRICE!Mini DVR with 2.5 LESS THAN HALF PRICE!

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