October 29, 2010

Property Marking Makes Good Sense

Filed under: Property Marking — admin @ 10:15 am

It seems to be a buzz word right now in the home security business, but ‘property marking‘ makes for very sound common sense and one which we have been banging on about here, at Crime Prevention Products, for a good few years now.

Recent news about the Police Force cuts, no doubt, has a few people concerned about the rise in crime, especially burglaries and opportunistic theft in residential areas. Property Marking Kits and pens can be used, quickly and effectively, to help trace back any possessions that may have been stolen. Normally marking your possession with your postcode is ideal for quick identification.

Using Property Marking kits on your valuables can also have a positive effect with your insurance company – normally, reducing insurance policy costs. Lets be honest, it is an almost impossible task for the Police Force to return stolen goods to their rightful owner – if they haven’t been property marked. Unmarked, unclaimed, stolen goods normally end up in a Police Auction house and will be sold for a low price, way under market value.

There is also the emotional aspect of having a personal item or possession stolen. How do you explain to a kid that their brand new bike is missing? The days of thinking that once it is stolen, you’ll never see it again, are in the past.

By using Property Marking Kits, you have documented that particular item as belonging to yourself, and if that item is stolen and recovered by the Police then they can quickly establish that it is stolen property and return it to yourself and also charge the individual(s) they obtained it from with theft.

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