March 9, 2012

Why Driveway Alarms Work!

Filed under: Garden Security,Home Security — admin @ 12:58 pm

Installing a home security alarm is an extremely worthwhile task, the benefits far outweigh the systems cost and installation time as you know that the alarm will alert neighbours, passer-bys and even the authorities that someone is attempting to gain entry into you property. However, would it not be better to actually stop thieves from entering your property before they get anywhere near your house? This is when you need additional security and this is why Driveway Alarms work!

Sensors on Driveway alarms are designed to alert that someone is approaching the building before they actually reach the front or back door. Some of our Driveway Alarms work up to a distance of a mile, making them perfect security additions for large estates, storage buildings and farms.

Here at Crime Prevention Products we offer a range of Driveway Alarms that are extremely easy to install and come at an affordable price…

Ranch Wireless Driveway Alarm up to 300m RangeSpectrum Wireless Driveway AlarmProfessional Long Range Perimeter Alarm with up to 1Km RangeSpectrum GSM Guard Driveway Alarm

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